Thursday, March 17, 2011

Puppy Mama

A little less than a month ago, I decided to take the plunge and get a puppy. I've been wanting one for a while, but Jon was opposed to having one because of all the responsibility and "tied-downness" they bring with them. So being that I'm no longer with Jon, I went and got one. One Thursday night, I was having dinner with some friends from school who have a golden retriever and a Chihuahua. I was playing with the dogs and realized how badly I wanted one of my own (pretty much the same feeling I get when playing with someone else's kids). The next day, my very good friend Denise and I were talking and she suggested I go on to the AAR website (the shelter where she volunteers) and take a look at all the cute dogsthey had. Well, of course I fell in love with every single one of them, but with a brother and sister pair in particular. After several more conversations with Denise, we decided to go to the shelter on Monday after school. Unfortunately the female from the brother/sister pair had just been adopted that morning, so she was no longer available. I was planning on taking both of them so they could stay together and also so they would  have someone to play with, but I now think that God knew I would only be able to handle one puppy at a time, so everything worked out!
  So now I've got Riley- my handsome little boxer/ lab mix.
Thank goodness for Denise, Jen, Leslie, Michele and all my other friends who are also canine mamas for all their advice so far. I don't think I would have survived the first few nights without them. I mean, I know that puppies are A LOT of work, but much like I imagine it to be with actual motherhood, I don't think all the preparation, research or reading up on the subject in the world can prepare you for the actual thing! In all the stories that I've heard from my friends who are moms, I know that actual motherhood is way more intense, but I'm definitely noticing some similarities! The first being the lack of sleep. Those first few nights, I was getting up every few hours to let him out. I'm such a light sleeper that any little noise from him and I would go downstairs to check on him. Thankfully Riley is getting better about going in his crate and he doesn't cry all the time, but he definitely does not like it when we're apart. I'm still trying to figure out his cries, trying to discern whether they are cries of hunger, or loneliness or "I've got to go". Sometimes I think he cries just because he knows I will come get him.
  Another similarity- the constant sacrifice and putting someone else's needs/wants above your own. There are plenty of days when I would just like to hit the snooze button and stay in bed a few extra minutes, but I know that Riley is waiting for me to let him out of his crate and feed him breakfast, so I get up and tend to his needs. Or the days when I just want to sit on the couch like a bump on a log, but instead take Riley for an hour long walk because he has been cooped up all day. On the rare occasion that I have neglected to put Riley first, he is quick to express his disapproval--- like the time I ignored his whining to finish washing a dish and he peed on the carpet.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind all the work, because he is a big bundle of love. He loves unconditionally and is always excited to see me, even if I have just disciplined him for chewing on my shoes. I'm so glad to have him as a part of my family!


  1. We love Riley! And wouldn't you whine if you knew someone would come and hold YOU?!

    (yes...I'm whining)

